A Roadside Shrine 

What makes the greatest human being? Decency, of course! This roadside shrine is dedicated to non-violence. 

The first step on the spiritual path, non-murder 

The second step on the path

The complete path 

Quote from Gandhiji (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, aka "Mahatma"):

"For if we are to achieve success in the end, we should provide for the difficulties that are being felt. ...To win such great benefits (as repeal of an offensive law), one must put up with whatever loss may occur. I believe that going to gaol will please Khuda or Ishwar (names for God). The Creator always helps us in anything we do in fear of Him. The Prophet Mahomed and his disciples were once in a cave. A whole army was marching towards them. The disciples cried out in fear: 'O Prophet! We are only three, and the army consists of hundreds of men. How shall we save ourselves?' The Prophet replied, "We are not just three. God, Who is a match for all, is also with us.' It was owing to such superhuman faith that the Prophet succeeded in all that he attempted. The enemy could not do him the least harm. They passed the cave by; it did not occur to them even to look in. Likewise, if we turn to the Hindu scriptures, we find Prahlad, a steadfast devotee of God, who remained unharmed even when made to embrace a red-hot pillar, because he too had unshakable faith in God's help. ...The great God, the protector of the faithful and the preserver of their honour, is present everywhere and at all times. This reply implies reliance on fate. But, as we know, fate without human effort is of no avail. Hence, we need to think of other things too...For no one can tell what the end of the struggle will be...Now that we are on the battle-field, we have nothing to fear and nothing to hide...Even so, I have no fear...It is certain that we are now being put to the test. It remains to be seen whether we stand it well or not...I assert that no one can have anything to say against the position as set out above...But I think it to be a degrading and sinful thing to turn away from the path that we have chosen with true sincerity without caring whether others admire or condemn."
-- Indian Opinion, 18-5-1907

Quote from the Buddha

Tharpa's current commentary on Gandhiji's quote:

Keep up!

Make sure to e-mail me with any comments.

May all beings be well, happy and peaceful! 

E-mail: tharpa@netscape.net 

Updated January 8, 2007.

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